Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Well, was up before the crack of dawn to go to Sunrise Service at the church I'm playing at. They had free food afterwards, so I figured why not. I had to be there at 8:30am anyways, so what was getting their two hours earlier. Played a set at 10:30am (actually one of the better Easter sets, three Christian rock songs and one that's a bit personal for me), sat around and the put my stuff away before leaving for home. Was wearing a suit jacket, much to the shock of everyone, and will have the picture up here and on Facebook as soon as it's sent to me.

Well, as I'm sure everyone knows, there was a 7.2 earthquake in Baja California today, and I did feel it. Felt like the foundation was on rollers (or as I so elegently put it, like I was a drunk who was on a cruise ship in the middle of a hurricane. Had a massive headache most of the day, so I missed dinner, and actually just ate not that long ago (around 10:30pm). Also got a job offer.

Well, school starts again tomorrow (insert teardrop here), and I have a six page paper due in sociology. I've had two weeks to do it, and I can't get past the first three lines. Last time that happened was in my English 1A class almost two years ago when I had to write a paper on Ghaundi (was told by one of the guitarist I should have titled the paper "Going Going Ghaundi"). That is a sign that I can not stand the subject, and that the subject is so boring that even as an English major who can bullshit a paper three hours before it's due and get an A with praises can't pull it off.

Like I said the other day...I am so fucked it's not even funny...

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