Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Valley of the Dead, Algebra, and Life in General

I'm going to go for something different and put my "postscript" first. At the moment, I'm working on "The Valley of the Dead" and finding it long. While it's only a fourth the length of Ethics at the moment, I have barely scatched the surface of the story. There is so much more to be written in it that I'm left wondering just how long it will actually be.

For example, Valley will be fifteen chapters, a prologue and an epilogue. If I put the same amount of detail from the first chapter into the second, than the second chapter will easily be fifteen to twenty times the length of the first. The first chapter covers a twenty-four hour span of time to introduce the main characters. The second chapter is where the action starts, with the first seventy-two hours being in a great detail. This second chapter ends about two months after it starts. The third chapter will probably be the shortest chapters. As for chapters nine through fifteen, I don't even have more than the extremely vaugest idea what will happen. It might be years before I even get a first draft done. I'm talking Stephen King's The Stand length (the uncut version), if not Under the Dome length.

I think I've bitten off more than I can chew.

In other news, my summer class is going well. I'm passing at least, thank God. It of course comes with a price, in that the rest of my life is falling to pieces around me.

Sometimes...I really hate my life...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Modern-Day NAZIs in America

All these political idiots wanting to commit political suicide by kicking out the illegals. All I can say to them is that when the prices for services that no American citizen wants to do skyrockets, and the prices for produce skyrocket because you don't want to get your soft hands hurt spending fifteen hours in the sun picking them, you have no fucking right to complain.

So, for those of the Nebraska/Arizona Zap the Immigrants Party, I say fuck you! None of you fuckers are legal here! You're just born here! Fucking NAZI bastards. Remember assholes, it was finding a scapegoat that came first. Then it was the trains. After that was the Showers and the Ovens. This time instead of "ARBEIT MACHT FRIE" the gates will say "TRABAJO HACE LIBRE" you suck fucks! All I can say is that Arizona is fucked, and it looks like Nebraska is going to be fucked as well.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Poetry and Ethics

Poetry and Ethics
Sean A. Arseo
Half of my royalties will go to Loma Linda Medical University Children's Hospital

"...delve into my mind to see if there is any sanity to the madness..."

Friday, June 11, 2010


Poetry and Ethics
by Sean A. Arseo
$17.50 via and my e-store
Half of all my royalties will go to Loma Linda Medical University Children's Hospital
Release Date: Midnight 06/12/2010

"...delve into my mind to see if there is any sanity to the madness..."