Friday, April 23, 2010


Well, after a few days, I finally saw the censored version of episode "201" of South Park. Along with the constant bleeping of Mohummed along with the other cursing in the show, not to mention about a minute and a half of the show being nothing but one long bleep, this was easily the worst episode of South Park ever.

In it, they go back to the episodes "Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut" and "Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut" to say that Cartman's mom is not a hermaphidte like had been said for the duration of the series. She is in fact a normal woman whom just happens to be the biggest slut on the face of the earth. The old character Jack Tenoram's father is Eric's father as well, making him half ginger. This, not the fact that Eric killed his own father, is what scares him the most.

But for fucks sakes, come on! Probably sixty percent of the damn episode was censored, just like the walking CENSORED sign (which does come into play as a plot device in the end, but still). And all because some website threatened to kill Matt and Trey. Mother fuckers, I had death threats thrown at me for years from people who actually had the power to kill me at their leisure you pussies! So, if we're goin to censor Mohummed, why not everyone else. I'm a Christian, and I hate you guys treat Jesus, so censor him and his name! Same with God! Why not censor every other religious figure in the series why you're at it! You can, however, continue to make fun of the Catholics and the Mormans.

But I think the biggest thing that got me was making Cartman's father a fucking ginger. This would have been funnier:

*Cartman's mother WAS a hermaphodite, thus she was his father
*Sheila didn't answer in the negative to having slept with Lianne
*Cartman hates, above all else, the Jews, and espcially Kyle
*Thus, make Sheila (who does share physical and psychological characteristics with Eric) his biological mother

Now, Mr. Parker and Mr. Stone, THAT would have been funny.

I think 201 was the worst episode of South Park I have ever seen.

Friday, April 16, 2010

This is funny...

I was looking through my old post, and noticed that in my first post, I made a comment about how almost all of the post on this blog would be about my works since I don't have a life. However, the majority of these post have been on things that have happened in my life, and very few are actually on my works. In fact, most of the post about my writing are written as postscripts at the bottom of a past about something that happened in my life.

Don't know why, but I find that funny.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

What an...interesting...weekend it has been...

Well, yesterday I went up to CBU (California Baptist University) to apply for a music scholarship. Being the senior bassist at my church, I figured I would be a shoe-in for getting the funding I would need.

Well, an amature mistake stopped that from happening. Instead of reading the actual bass line, I followed the chord progression like I'm used to. I did, however, get offered a $1,500 a year scholarship under my merits as a vocalist. He seemed surprised that I did so well without any training.

Needless to say, I will not be attending California Baptist University this coming Fall unless something happens between now and September.

And if that wasn't enough, I got home from the audition (I did cool off at Guitar Center by checking out some of the basses I'm looking at buying and finally playing Run Like Hell a bit more like the actual album) to have a message from Folio Literary Group. Opened it up...and saw it was a rejection letter. It upsets me, but a comment my father made kinda changed the disappointment in that. He told me that a lot of people never even get to the point of trying to get it published. Most never see a rejection letter because they never even try.

It actually made me feel like an author.

And then today, bed is no longer safe to sleep I'll probably be looking for a replacement tomorrow.

Yeah...and the weekend isn't even over yet...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Who the hell is THAT!?

Who is that person in the profile picture!? Who the hell is that guy in a suit jacket playing a nice Fender American Jazz-V bass!?

That is me dressed up nice for Easter. You will probably never see it again.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Well, was up before the crack of dawn to go to Sunrise Service at the church I'm playing at. They had free food afterwards, so I figured why not. I had to be there at 8:30am anyways, so what was getting their two hours earlier. Played a set at 10:30am (actually one of the better Easter sets, three Christian rock songs and one that's a bit personal for me), sat around and the put my stuff away before leaving for home. Was wearing a suit jacket, much to the shock of everyone, and will have the picture up here and on Facebook as soon as it's sent to me.

Well, as I'm sure everyone knows, there was a 7.2 earthquake in Baja California today, and I did feel it. Felt like the foundation was on rollers (or as I so elegently put it, like I was a drunk who was on a cruise ship in the middle of a hurricane. Had a massive headache most of the day, so I missed dinner, and actually just ate not that long ago (around 10:30pm). Also got a job offer.

Well, school starts again tomorrow (insert teardrop here), and I have a six page paper due in sociology. I've had two weeks to do it, and I can't get past the first three lines. Last time that happened was in my English 1A class almost two years ago when I had to write a paper on Ghaundi (was told by one of the guitarist I should have titled the paper "Going Going Ghaundi"). That is a sign that I can not stand the subject, and that the subject is so boring that even as an English major who can bullshit a paper three hours before it's due and get an A with praises can't pull it off.

Like I said the other day...I am so fucked it's not even funny...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Tears of a Left-Handed Man

One of the things about me is that I don't shave my beard. This has led to many comments, most of which jokes because my hair is black, yet my beard grows in red. Anywho, I do cut it using a pair of left-handed/right-handed scissors. The other day, I lent them to my mother (first mistake) and I haven't seen them since. I was going to trim my beard today since tomorrow's Easter and I'm wearing a suit jacket to church for playing. So my dad gave me a pair he found, and showed me they worked.

Only problem...they are right-handed scissors, and I'm left-handed. So what should have been a ten-minute max job, including clean-up, took me damn near an hour to do, if not longer.

In other news, I have not heard back from either of the agents I sent a query letter to. I was hoping for a least a rejection as to why, but there you go. Granted, Folio has till Wednsday and AH&A has till Friday, so there you go.

In other other news, I have once again started on a Valley of the Dead story, this time continuing the one I started in late 2008 in my Creative Writing A class. Between that and Fourteen Days, I should be busy enough. Through in my class, and I'm beyond fucked.

Yeah...I'm so fucked it's not even funny...